GCR is pleased to inform our global community about this upcoming event:
Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in Practice

This webinar is organized by Radiotherapy Task Force member Dr. Horia Vulpe and Dr. Oleksandr Ogorodniitchouk, and hosted by eCancer, with support from Varian Medical System and the Blue Heron Foundation. It will provide valuable insights on implementing short treatment courses to alleviate workloads and reduce patient treatment time.
The content is particularly relevant for practicing radiation oncologists, physicists, residents, and students in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Romania, as well as anyone interested in updating their knowledge on the latest applications of hypofractionated radiotherapy.
The presentations will feature subtitles in Ukrainian and Romanian.
Implementation Strategies for Clinical Success Session 1
Monday, 28 October 2024
14:30 GMT
Implementation Strategies for Clinical Success Session 2
Monday, 4 November 2024
14:30 GMT
To register for the free webinar, please visit the registration website: