It is time to get involved in World Cancer Day 2024. We need you, our radiotherapy community, to help #ClosetheCareGap this World Cancer Day.
Create a Video
The Global Coalition for Radiotherapy, in collaboration with Radiotherapy UK, invites you to create a short video answering one or more of the questions below.
How does my role in the radiotherapy community help Close the Care Gap?
How can more investment in radiotherapy workforce/technology/training/policy Close the Care Gap?
What steps can the radiotherapy community take to further reduce disparities in cancer care?
Video Instructions
Pick a question to answer and make one video that can be used on social media.
Take the video with your cell phone, just like you are taking a selfie.
Keep it short and simple, 15-20 seconds in length.
Post the video to your social media and tag GCR and RTUK:
Or email the videos to us at and we will post for you.
Customize a Poster
Create your own custom social media post with a personal message of the commitment to #ClosetheCareGap and share it with the world.
Spread the word
Write an op-ed, blog story, record a video message, feature World Cancer Day on your website, an article in your newsletter, or reach out to a local journalist. GCR wants to support you. Email us at to collaborate.
Attend the GCR World Cancer Day Webinar
Closing the Care Gap through Global Collaboration
Thurs, 8 Feb 2024
9-10 AM ET/ 3-4 PM CET
Presenters: Wil Ngwa (Global Health Catalyst), Ted Trimble (National Institutes for Health), Susannah Stanway (London Global Cancer Week), Pat Price (Global Coalition for Radiotherapy)
More World Cancer Day Events & Resources
Add your voice to the effort and ask your representative to close the care gap.Â
Start a conversation about Cancer
Join the UICC World Cancer Day 5k Challenge and explore the other in-person and virtual events featured on their World Cancer Day site.