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GCR Radiotherapy Essential Standards in Cancer Plans Webinar Phase I: Recording - 18 Apr 2023

To support worldwide advocacy efforts aimed at improving cancer outcomes, the Global Coalition for Radiotherapy hosted a 18 April 2023 webinar and roundtable discussion to create a framework of key components for developing or updating a national cancer plan. This Phase I meeting, the first webinar in a series, focused on listing issues to be addressed in the framework, examining existing guides for radiotherapy planning, and began developing the high level framework.

  • Dr. Rolando Comacho: Global Special Advisor, City Cancer Challenge Foundation; Global Cancer Control Consultant , WHO and IAEA; Former Acting Head of the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT) at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  • Dr. Hesham Gaafar: WHO Consultant - Cancer Management, Fulbright Scholar

  • Dr. Nashwa Skaik: WHO Representative, Technical Officer for Cervical Cancer Elimination team at World Health Organization

  • Prof Richard Sullivan: WHO Emergency Committee Member; Director, Institute of Cancer Policy and Co-Director of the Centre for Conflict & Health Research, Kings College London; Chairman of eCancer Trustees

  • Dr. Padraig Warde: Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto; Staff Radiation Oncologist, Princess Margaret Hospital/University Health Network; Provincial Head, Radiation Treatment Program Cancer Care Ontario

  • Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz: Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto, Interim Director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Global Cancer Program, past Regional Vice President of Cancer Care Ontario, Past-President of the UICC

Following short remarks by each presenter, a facilitated panel discussion asked the group to imagine running a cancer center responsible for a specific geographic region and needing to create a plan that provides equitable access to radiotherapy to patients in that region.

  1. What do you need to know to plan and assess?

  2. What do you need in order to monitor progress and maintenance?

  3. What tools and guidance are already available to you to achieve these objectives?


You can watch a recording of the full meeting here:

Notes and Meeting Chat

You can download the notes and chat from the 18 April 2023 meeting here:

Slide decks from presentations

The slide deck includes presentations from Dr. Rolando Comacho, Dr. Hesham Gaafar, and Dr. Padraig Warde and can be downloaded here:

understanding the challenges of delivering rT publication

Prof. Richard Sullivan referred to a paper published in the Journal of Cancer Policy, “Understanding the challenges of delivering radiotherapy in low- and middle-income countries in Africa,” emphasizing the need for very specific country support. That article is available for you to download here:

Save the Date: Phase II

RT Essential Standards in Cancer Plans Webinar & Roundtable

Tues, 13 June | 13:30-14:30 CEST | via Zoom

Please plan to join and invite your colleagues to participate in this important session.

  • Webinar Phase II: Present the framework, address the issues to be considered in a more detailed plan (human resources, equipment, quality) with physicists, therapists, radiation oncologists

  • Task Force objectives (in multiple working groups): a) Draft detailed framework (equipment, workforce, operations, quality, education/research); b) align radiotherapy planning with other elements of cancer control plans (prevention, screening, diagnostics, other therapeutic modalities, supportive and palliative care) and primary care; c) Financing to execute, distribute and implement

GCR Celebrates 3 Years: Call for input

The Global Coalition for Radiotherapy celebrates 3 years since its founding in April 2020. We started this global community with your input and we are seeking your thoughts again as we build forward better together.



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