Global Coalition for Radiotherapy’s co-founder Professor Patricia Price joined the 8th annual World Cancer Series Europe as a featured panelist. Her presentation highlighted the importance of bringing together the cancer community during crises and conflict. With the cancer care gap growing faster than the world’s ability to address the need a digital technology revolution in radiotherapy is essential.
Listen to the recording as Prof Price (virtual) joins Lisa Stevens (IAEA PACT), Dr. Yolande Lievens (Ghent University) and moderator Matt Hickey (The Health Value Alliance).
”What we know at the GCR is that there are a lot of people out there willing to help, so digital training and support is available.” - Prof Pat Price
Learn more about the GCR’s latest White Paper: Closing the Care Gap: How digital transformation, global networking and remote solutions could expand the reach of radiotherapy in communities worldwide by clicking below:
The Economist World Cancer Series Europe is an important event for the GCR as it was one of the first meetings where the Leadership Team met and engaged with important advisors to begin strategizing what is now the Global Coalition for Radiotherapy. See pictured here (left to right) Nick Grant (Cancer Research UK), Pat Price (GCR), Therese Lindé (GCR) and Cary Adams (UICC).
